Fleximaus GmbH

Fleximaus GmbH

Fleximaus GmbH has made it its business to advance the energy turnaround. For this reason, we work every day to ensure that the operation of wind turbines remains profitable. We develop smart solutions that support operators, technical managers or project developers of wind farms in achieving maximum energy yields with minimum effort.

Avoiding blanket shutdowns, reducing unnecessary downtime, generating more green energy: Fleximaus bridges the gap between species protection and the economic generation of wind energy. In this context, direct proximity to our customers is a decisive advantage for site-specific implementation.

Windpark Schillingsfürst
Windkraftanlage Schillingsfürst

Our path: with full wind power ahead

The history of Fleximaus GmbH is closely linked to the development of the software of the same name. After all, the flexible bat protection was the first product in our portfolio. So to speak the first milestone on the way to a profitable future for humans, animals and the environment.



Every success story begins with the desire to do something better. So did ours: As early as 2012 to 2014, Jochen Rößler noticed that the "bat protection in wind farms" approval requirement resulted in high yield losses for Bavarian community wind farms. In order to relieve the burden on the citizen wind farms he manages, the technical operations manager developed an intelligent optimisation system.

He had one goal in mind: everyone should benefit from Fleximaus. Both native bats and different wind farm operators – from small farmers in Bavaria to globally operating energy supply companies. This idea gave rise to today’s protected product name.

In August, the first software vision saw the light of day. The prototype was already installed in wind farms in September and tested under real conditions.



We conducted further research on bat conservation and evaluated the data collected in the field trial. The result: Fleximaus reduced the previously high shutdown times and yield losses by over 50 percent. This was a sign for us to equip further community wind farms with this successful technology.



This year, the expansion of the hardware as well as its adaptation to long market availabilities was the focus of our activities.



A flexible as well as quickly implementable mowing shutdown enabled us to protect additional animal species such as birds of prey. In addition, our experts further developed the hardware and software of Fleximaus to make it fit for the implementation of both previous and additional requirements.



Fleximaus finally received a Europe-wide patent after four long years. We looked after the first 100 plants – new customer requirements as well as even more intensive analyses led to a further expansion of functions.



Die Fleximaus wuchs personell: Der erste, in Vollzeit tätige IT-Spezialist kam an Bord und entwickelte zusammen mit externen Experten, sowie unserem Geschäftsführer die Fleximaus 2.0. Dieses System bildet bis heute die Grundlage für die Erfüllung standortspezifischer Anforderungen; eine echte Erleichterung für Betreiber und Betriebsführer von Windenergieanlagen.



Both the new customer portal and Fleximaus 2.0 went online and reduced revenue losses caused by unnecessary shutdowns across Germany. Through further optimisation of data transmission, the requirements of IT and data security, as well as access protection and / or documentation, could be ensured.



The number of managed turbines continues to grow steadily. New functions, such as area-based mowing shutdown and easy-to-activate protection specifications, as well as shadow shutdown, make it easier for our customers to comply with all approval-relevant requirements. New wind farms are also increasingly being equipped with Fleximaus from the time of commissioning, where our system takes over all functions: Bat protection, bird protection and shade shut-off.



It is now about your money and our common future. Every kWh from renewable energies is important. Fleximaus combines species protection and wind energy and offers economical solutions for implementing the requirements in your wind farm. With 350 wind turbines in care and the first wind farm in France with optimized bat protection, Fleximaus offers services throughout Europe for more green energy while maintaining a high level of species protection.



We start with the development of a tractor detection system “FlexiBird”. The first idea for this has already been in use for 5 years and still works with a lot of effort in technical management. With FlexiBird, we are setting a new standard for field management shutdown (also known as mowing shutdown). In other words, we are automating the tractor detection and the stopping of the necessary wind turbines. FlexiBird automates bird protection through the farming management shutdown so that more wind farms can be approved and the technical management has less work to do in looking after the wind farms.


And tomorrow

We are constantly growing and developing: On the one hand, our professional team offers first-class service and fast response times, on the other hand, our software proves its reliability in numerous wind farms - as well as its economic added value for their operators.

The site-specific adaptable system can be designed to meet new species protection requirements, both to meet the individual needs of wind farm operators and to continuously increase the productivity of the respective wind turbine - ongoing system optimizations benefit each customer through existing service contracts.

The Fleximaus GmbH team will continue to work on the independent optimization of the software in the future in order to meet the needs of our customers in the long term. Extensive experience enables us to adapt the system more and more individually to different circumstances.

Windenergieanlage Schillingsfürst

Clearly one step ahead

We develop intelligent systems for the economic, reliable and species-protection-compliant operation of wind turbines.

From our own experience, we know all the requirements that wind farm operators and technical managers place on us. And it is this experience that gives us the know-how to offer our customers intelligent solutions. Get to know the team that is committed to the economic success of your wind projects every day!

Mission >


Since our founding, we have continued to develop ourselves and our systems. We will continue to do so - without ever forgetting why we do what we do: Because we want to leave our children a future worth living on a healthy planet, we make sure that the operation of wind turbines is worthwhile in the long term.

Are you tired of being a small cog in the wheel of anonymous corporations - but want to make a difference? Then you are a perfect fit for us. Fleximaus GmbH is always looking for people who are enthusiastic about our values and want to take on exciting tasks.

Contact Fleximaus GmbH

Are you planning to build a wind energy plant? Or do you already own a wind farm and are dissatisfied with its yield? The experts from Fleximaus GmbH in Schillingsfürst accompany operators, technical managers as well as project developers from the very beginning – from consulting to optimisation. Call, write an e-mail or use the contact form: we look forward to hearing from you!

Fleximaus GmbH

Faulenberg 3 - 91583 Schillingsfürst - Deutschland
09868/3039870 - info@fleximaus.de